Acronym | Definition |
1OS | First Offset Strategy |
2OS | Second Offset Strategy |
3G | Third Generation |
3OS | Third Offset Strategy |
4G | Fourth Generation |
5G | Fifth Generation |
A1 | Manpower, Personnel, and Services (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A2 | Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance, and Cyber Effects Operations (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A2/AD | Anti-Access/Area Denial |
A2C2 | Army Airspace Command and Control |
A2E | Adaptive Airborne Enterprise |
A3 | |
A4 | Logistics and Engineering (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A5 | Plans and Requirements (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A6 | Communications (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A7 | Installations and Mission Support (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A8 | Strategic Plans and Programs (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A9 | Studies, Analyses, and Assessments (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
A10 | Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration Office (USAF & USSF in the US/NATO CSS) |
AA | Australian Army |
AAA | Anti-Aircraft Artillery |
AAGS | Army Air Ground System |
AAJTS | Advanced ANG JTAC Training Simulator |
AAM | Air-to-Air Missile |
AATC | Air National Guard/Air Force Test Center |
ABMS | Advanced Battle Management System |
ACA | Affordable Care Act |
ACAT | Acquisition Category |
ACC | Air Combat Command |
ACC | Army Contracting Command |
ACCM | Alternative or Compensatory Control Measures |
ACE | Agile Combat Employment |
ACE | Air Combat Evolution |
ACO | Airspace Control Order |
ACOA | Adaptive Course of Action |
ADCON | Administrative Control |
ADF | Australian Defense Force |
ADLS | Advanced Distributed Learning Service |
ADPE | Automated Data Processing Equipment |
ADSI | Active Directory Service Interfaces |
ADSI | Air Defense Systems Integrator |
AETC | Air Education and Training Command |
AFA | Air Force Association |
AFAPD | Air Force Applications Program Development |
AFATDS | Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System |
AFB | Air Force Base |
AFCDC | Air Force Combat Dive Course |
AFCENT | Air Forces Central Command |
AFF | Air Force Form |
AFGSC | Air Force Global Strike Command |
AFI | Air Force Instruction |
AFLCMC | Air Force Lifecycle Management Center |
AFMAN | Air Force Manual |
AFMC | Air Force Material Command |
AFPC | Air Force Personnel Center |
AFRICOM | Africa Command (also US Africa Command) |
AFRL | Air Force Research Lab |
AFSC | Air Force Specialty Code |
AFSOC | Air Force Special Operations Command |
AFSPECWAR | Air Force Special Warfare |
AGM | Air-to-Ground Missile |
AGM | Attack Guidance Matrix |
AGOW | Air Ground Operations Wing |
AI | Air Interdiction |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AIM | Air Intercept Missile |
AISUM | Artificial Intelligence for Small Unit Maneuver |
ALSA | Air Land Sea Application |
ALO | Air Liaison Officer |
ALO-I | Air Liaison Officer - Instructor |
ALO-W | Air Liaison Officer - Weapons Officer |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AMC | Air Mobility Command |
AMDWS | Air and Missile Defense Workstation |
AMLO | Air Mobility Liaison Officer |
AMO | Air/Marine Operations |
AMOC | Air/Marine Operations Center |
AMOSS | Air/Marine Operations Surveillance System |
AN | Army / Navy |
ANG | Air National Guard |
ANSF | Afghan National Security Forces |
ANW2 | Adaptive Network Wideband Waveform |
AO | Action Officer |
AO | Area of Operations |
AO | Authorizing Official |
AOC | Air Operations Center. See also: CAOC. |
AODB | Air Operations Database |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
APASS | Android Precision Assault Strike Suite |
APC | Armored Personnel Carrier |
APFIT | Accelerate Procurement & Fielding of Innovative Technologies |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APT | Advanced Persistent Threat |
AQAP | al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula |
AQIM | al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb |
AQIS | al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent |
AQMA | al-Qaeda in the Malay Archipeligo |
AQSP | al-Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula |
AR | Aerial Refueling |
AR | Augmented Reality |
ARCNet | Air Reserve Component Network |
ARMS | Aviation Resource Management System |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network |
ARSOC | Army Special Operations Command (see also: USASOC (US Army Special Operations Command)) |
ASC | Allowance Standard Code |
ASCCE | Air, Space, and Cyber Constructive Environment |
ASCCE-C2SI | Air, Space, and Cyber Constructive Environment - Command and Control Systems Interface |
ASCCE-IOS | Air, Space, and Cyber Constructive Environment - Information Operations Simulation |
ASD | Assistant Secretary of Defense |
ASD/SOLIC | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations & Low-Intensity Conflict |
ASM | Airspace Manager |
ASO | Alien Smuggling Organization |
ASOC | Air Support Operations Center |
ASOG | Air Support Operations Group |
ASOS | Air Support Operations Squadron |
ASP | Acquisition Strategy Plan |
AT&L | Acquisition, Technology & Logistics |
ATACMS | Army Tactical Missile System |
ATAK | Android Tactical Assault Kit |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATC | Authority to Connect |
ATN | Army Tactical Network |
ATO | Air Tasking Order |
ATO | Authority to Operate |
ATOM | Air Tasking Order Manager |
ATP | Advanced Targeting Pod |
AUSA | Assistant United States Attorney |
AUSA | Association of the United States Army |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWS | Amazon Web Services |
AWSIM | Air Warfare Simulation |
B2B | Business to Business |
B2B2C | Business to Business to Consumer |
B2B2G | Business to Business to Government |
B2C | Business to Consumer |
B2G | Business to Government |
BA | Battlefield Airman |
BA | British Army |
BAF | British Armed Forces |
BAO | Battlefield Airman Office |
BASIP | Battlefield Airmen Skills Incentive Pay |
BBS | Bulletin Board System |
BCD | Battlefield Coordination Detachment |
BCT | Brigade Combat Team |
BD | Business Development |
BDA | Battlefield Damage Assessment |
BDN | Blue Dot Network |
BE | Bandwidth Efficient |
BESPIN | Business and Enterprise Systems Product Innovation |
BFT | Blue Force Tracker |
BLOS | Beyond Line of Sight |
BMC | Basic Mission Capable |
BMT | Basic Military Training |
BOE | Body of Evidence |
BP | British Petroleum |
BPOE | Between Ports of Entry |
BRI | Belt and Road Initiative |
BVR | Beyond Visual Range |
BY | Budget Year |
C2 | Command & Control |
C2AO | Command & Control Approval Authority |
C2AOS | Command and Control Air Operations System |
C2B | Consumer to Business |
C2C | Consumer to Consumer |
C2IS | Command and Control Information System |
CA | Canadian Army |
CA | Combat Assessment |
CA/CRL | Custodian Authorization/Custodian Receipt Listing |
CAC | Common Access Card |
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
CAF | Combat Air Forces |
CALCM | Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile |
CAM | Centralized Asset Management |
CAO | Civil Aircraft Operation |
CAOC | Combined Air Operations Center |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol |
CAS | Close Air Support |
CASEVAC | Casualty Evacuation |
CASS | Close Air Support System |
cATO | Continuous Authority to Operate |
CBA | Capabilities Based Assessment |
CBP | Customs and Border Patrol |
CBT | Computer Based Training |
CCB | Configuration Control Board |
CCE | Common Computing Environment |
CCMD | Combatant Command (see also COCOM) |
CCP | Chinese Communist Party |
CCT | Combat Control Team |
CD | Capabilities Drop |
CDA | Collateral Damage Assessment |
CDAR | Classified Data at Rest |
CDD | Capabilities Development Document |
CDE | Collateral Damage Estimation |
CDG | Cártel del Golfo (translated: Gulf Cartel) |
CDL | Common Datalink |
CDN | Cártel del Noreste (translated: Cartel of the Northeast) |
CDO | Contested/Degraded Operations |
CDR | Critical Design Review |
CDRL | Contracted Data Requirements List |
CENTCOM | Central Command (also: US Central Command) |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CERDEC | Communications/Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center |
CERF | Cyberspace Effects Request Form |
CES | Consumer Electronics Show |
CFACC | Combined Forces Air Component Commander |
CFETP | Career Field Education and Training Plan |
CFIUS | Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States |
CFL | Coordinated Fire Line |
CFM | Career Field Manager |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CI/CD | Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery |
CIO | Chief Information Officer |
CIPS | Cross-border Interbank Payment System |
CJCS | Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff |
CJCSI | Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction |
CJNG | Cártel Jalisco Neuvo Generación (translated: Jalisco New Generation Cartel) |
CJOC | Combined Joint Operations Center |
CJSOTF | Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force |
CLIN | Contract Line Item Number |
CM | Contract Monitor |
CMR | Combat Mission Ready |
CMS | Content Management System |
CNAP | Cloud Native Access Point |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas |
CNR | Combat Net Radio |
COA | Certificate of Authorization |
COA | Course of Action |
COCOM | Combatant Command (see also CCMD) |
COD | Combat Operations Division |
COF | Concept of Fires |
COG | Center of Gravity |
COIN | Counter Insurgency |
COMSEC | Communications Security |
CONEMP | Concept of Employment |
CONOP | Concept of Operations |
COO | Chief Operating Officer |
COP | Common Operating Picture |
CoT | Cursor on Target |
COTS | Commercial Off The Shelf |
COVID-19 | Coronavirus Disease 2019 (also known as the severe acute respiratory syndrome - coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)) |
CPAF | Cost Plus Award Fee |
CPD | Combat Plans Division |
CPFF | Cost Plus Fixed Fee |
CPFH | Cost Per Flight Hour |
CPI | Continuous Process Improvement |
CPIF | Cost Plus Incentive Fee |
CPPC | Cost Plus Percent of Cost |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CR | Continuing Resolution |
CRADA | Cooperative Research And Development Agreement |
CRC | Combat Reporting Center |
CRF | Controller Read File |
CRM | Comment Resolution Matrix |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management |
CRO | Chief Revenue Officer |
CRO | Combat Rescue Officer |
CS | Corson & Stoughton (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) |
CSAF | Chief of Staff of the Air Force |
CSfC | Commercial Solutions for Classified |
CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies |
CSO | Commercial Solutions Opening |
CSP | Cloud Service Provider |
CSS | Combat Service Support |
CSS | Commander's Support Staff |
CSS | Continental Staff System |
CSSP | Cybersecurity Service Provider |
CT | Cipher Text |
CT | Contractor Test |
CT | Counter Terrorism |
CT | Currency (or Continuation) Training |
CTA | Commercial Test Agreement |
CtF | Certificate to Field |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer |
CTOC | Counter Transnational Organized Crime |
CTS | Combat Training Squadron |
CUI | Controlled Unclassified Information |
CVE | Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures |
CVEO | Counter of Violent Extremist Organizations |
CYBERCOM | Cyber Command (als US Cyber Command) |
D2P2 | Direct to Phase II |
DA | Department of the Army |
DA | Direct Action |
DA | Directorate of Analysis |
DACAS | Digitally Aided Close Air Support |
DAF | Department of the Air Force |
DAFS | Digitally Aided Fire Support |
DAGR | Defense Advanced GPS Receiver |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DASD | Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense |
DASS | Digital Air Strike Suite |
DAST | Dynamic Application Security Testing |
DCA | Defensive Counter-Air |
DCCC | Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee |
DCGS | Distributed Common Ground System |
DCiDE | DPSS Collateral Damage Estimation |
DCM | Deputy Charge of Mission |
DD | Defense Department |
DDIL | Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, and Limited |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
DDS | Data Distribution Service |
DDS | Defense Digital Service |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Agency |
DEAMS | Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System |
DEPIDS | Deployment Indicators |
DevOps | Developmental Operations |
DevSecOps | Development, Security & Operations |
DEWS | Digital Electronic Warfare System |
DF | Direction Finding |
DFAR | Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (see also: DFARS) |
DFARS | Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement |
DFAS | Defense Finance and Accounting System |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Control Protocol |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DI2E | Defense Intelligence Information Enterprise |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency |
DIAB | Defense Innovation Advisory Board (see also: DIB) |
DIACAP | Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process |
DIB | Defense Industrial Base |
DIB | Defense Innovation Board (see also: DIAB) |
DID | Data Item Description |
DIME | Diplomatic, Information, Military and Economic |
DISG | Defense Innovation Steering Group |
DIWG | Defense Innovation Working Group |
DIU | Defense Innovation Unit (formerly Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx)) |
DJIA | Dow Jones Industrial Average |
DLA | Defense Logistics Agency |
DLO | Desired Learning Objectives |
DLP | Datalink Processor |
DMOC | Distributed Mission Operations Center |
DMON | Distributed Mission Operations Network |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone |
DNC | Democratic National Committee |
DNI | Director of National Intelligence |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DO | Director of Operations |
DO | Directorate of Operations |
DOC | Designed Operational Capability |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DoDAAC | Department of Defense Account Activity Code |
DoDAAD | Department of Defense Activity Address Directory |
DoDD | Department of Defense Directive |
DoDI | Department of Defense Instruction |
DoDIIS | Department of Defense Intelligence Information System |
DoDIN | Department of Defense Information Network |
DoDM | Department of Defense Memorandum |
DoJ | Department of Justice |
DoS | Denial of Service |
DoS | Department of State |
DOTmLPF-P | Doctrine, Organization, Training, material, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities and Policy |
DPC | Defense Pricing & Contracting |
DPPDB | Digital Point Precision Database |
DPRK | Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
DPSS | Digital Precision Strike Suite |
DRRS | Defense Readiness Reporting System |
DSCA | Defense Security Cooperation Agency |
DSCA | Defense Support of Civil Authorities |
DSD | Deputy Secretary of Defense |
DSN | Defense Switched Network |
DST | Directorate of Science and Technology |
DT | Developmental Testing |
DTC | Distributed Training Center |
DTED | Digital Terrain Elevation Data |
DTIC | Defense Technical Information Center |
DTO | Drug Trafficking Organization |
DTOC | Distributed Training Operations Center |
DVE | Domestic Violent Extremist |
EBALO | Enlisted Battalion Air Liaison Officer |
ECCM | Electronic Counter Countermeasures |
ECDH | Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman |
ECM | Electronic Countermeasures |
ECP | Engineering Change Proposal |
ECP | Entry Control Point |
ECSS | Expeditionary Combat Support System |
ECT | Enhanced Corps TACP |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
EFB | Electronic Flight Bag |
EFP | Explosively Formed Projectile |
ELINT | Electronics Intelligence |
EM | Electromagnetic |
eMASS | Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse |
ESC | Executive Steering Committee |
EU | European Union |
EUCOM | European Command (also US European Command) |
EUD | End-User Device |
eVTOL | electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing |
EW | Electronic Warfare |
EXI | Efficient XML Interchange |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAAO | Federal Aviation Administration Order |
FAC | Forward Air Controller |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation |
FARC | Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (translated: Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) |
FARP | Forward Arming and Refueling Point |
FBCB2 | Force XXI Battle Command Brigade & Below |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FBIS | Foreign Broadcast Information Service |
FCL | Facility Clearance |
FDA | Food & Drug Administration |
FDE | Force Development Evaluation |
FedRAMP | Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program |
FEURY | FMV Extension Unified Relay |
FFP | Firm Fixed Price |
FFRDC | Federally Funded Research and Development Centers |
FIA | Fédération Internationale de l`Automobile |
FID | Foreign Internal Defense |
FIFA | Fédération Internationale de Football Association |
FIP | Force Improvement Program |
FK | Firepower Kill |
FLIR | Forward Looking Infrared |
FLTS | Flight Test Squadron |
FM | Field Manual |
FM | Financial Manager |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMB | Financial Management and Comptroller - Budgeting |
FMF | Financial Management and Comptroller - Financial Operations |
FMS | Foreign Military Sales |
FMV | Full-Motion Video |
FO | Flag Officer |
FO | Forward Observer |
FOA | Flight Operations Authority |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOBS | Fractional Orbital Bombardment System |
FOGO | Flag Officer/General Officer |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FONOPS | Freedom of Navigation Operations |
FORSCOM | Forces Command (US Army) |
FoS | Family of Systems |
FOUO | For Official Use Only |
FOV | Field of View |
FPV | First-Person View |
FRIES | Fast-rope Insertion/Extraction System |
FS | Fire Support |
FSB | Federal'naya sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii (translated: Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation) |
FSCL | Fire Support Coordination Line |
FSCOORD | Fire Support Coordinator |
FSE | Fire Support Element |
FSN | Federal Stock Number |
FSN | Fed Supernova |
FTO | Foreign Terrorist Organization |
FTPM | Flight Test Planning Meeting |
FTU | Formal Training Unit |
FY | Fiscal Year |
FYDP | Future Years Development Plan |
G1 | Personnel and Manpower (USA & USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G2 | Military Intelligence (USA & USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G3 | Operations and Plans (USA & USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G4 | Logistics (USA & USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G5 | Military/Civil Affairs (USA & USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G6 | Signal and Communication (USA & USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G7 | Training and Exercises (USA & USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G8 | Finance and Contracts (USA, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G8 | Force Development and Analysis (USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G9 | Installations (USA, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
G9 | Civil Operations (USMC, Division and Above in the US/NATO CSS) |
GA | Guardian Angel |
GAO | Government Accountability Office |
GBU | Guided Bomb Unit |
GC | Ground Commander |
GCC | Geographic Combatant Command (see also: Unified Combatant Command (UCC)) |
GCC | GNU Compiler Collection |
GCCS | Global Command and Control System |
GCCS-A | Global Command and Control System - Army |
GCCS-J | Global Command and Control System - Joint |
GCS | Ground Control Station |
GDIT | General Dynamics Information Technology |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
GFE | Government Furnished Equipment |
GFI | Government Furnished Information |
GFR | Government Flight Representative |
GHAA | Golden Horde Autonomy Architecture |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
GLO | Ground Liaison Officer |
GO | General Officer |
GOP | Grand Old Party |
GOTS | Government off the Shelf |
GPA | Global Precision Attack |
GPB | Google Protocol Buffers |
GPC | Government Purchase Card |
GPR | Government Purpose Rights |
GPS | Global Position System |
GPT | Generative Pre-Trained Transformer |
GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
GRC | Governance, Risk Management & Compliance |
GRC | Ground Radio Transceiver |
GRF | Global Response Force |
gRPC | Google Remote Procedure Call |
GRU | Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye (Translated: Main Intelligence Directorate) |
GTM | Go To Market |
GTRI | Georgia Tech Research Institute |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GWOT | Global War on Terrorism |
HAC | House Appropriations Committee |
HAF | Headquarters, Air Force |
HASC | House Armed Services Committee |
HF | High-Frequency |
HIDTA | High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area |
HIMARS | High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System |
HLZ | Helicopter Landing Zone |
HMMWV | High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle |
HQ | Headquarters |
HSI | Homeland Security Inestigations |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
HTTP | Hypertext Transport Protocol |
HUD | Heads-Up Display |
HUMINT | Human Intelligence |
HVE | Homegrown Violent Extremist |
HVT | High-Value Target |
I/O | Input/Output |
I2P | Invisible Internet Project |
IA | Information Assurance |
IaaS | Infrastructure as a Service |
IADS | Integrated Air Defense System |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IATT | Interim Authority to Test |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
IC | Intelligence Community |
IC | Interdiction Controller |
ICD | Initial Capabilities Document |
ICE | Immigration and Customs Enforcement |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICO | Integrated Capabilities Office |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment |
IDF | Indirect Fire |
IDIQ | Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity |
IDL | Interface Description (or Definition) Language |
IDM | Improved Data Modem |
IDO/T | Intelligence Duty Officer/Technician |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
IER | Information Exchange Requirements |
IFDL | Inflight Datalink |
IG | Inspector General |
IGCE | Independent Government Cost Estimate |
IL | Impact Level |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
IMPAC | International Merchants Purchase Authorization Card |
IMT | Information Management Tool |
INDO-PACOM | Indo-Pacific Command (also US Indo-Pacific Command) |
INF | Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces |
IoP | Interoperability Profile |
IoT | Internet of Things |
IP | Initial Point |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IP | Instructor Pilot |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IP | Isolated Person |
IPO | Initial Public Offering |
IPOE | Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment |
IQT | Initial Qualification Training |
IR | Infrared |
IRA | Internet Research Agency |
IRA | Irish Republican Army |
IRAD | Internal Research & Development |
IRB | Institutional Review Board |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
IRGC | Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps |
IS | Information System |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture |
ISA | Intelligence Support Activity |
ISA | Interconnection Security Agreement |
ISCAP | Islamic State, Central African Province |
ISI | Inter-Services Intelligence |
ISIS | Islamic State of Iraq and Syria |
ISKP | Islamic State, Khorasan Province |
ISR | Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance |
ISS | International Space Station |
ISSM | Information System Security Manager |
ISSO | Information System Security Officer |
ISSP | Islamic State, Sinai Province |
ISWAP | Islamic State, Western African Province |
IT | Information Technology |
ITIPS | Information Technology Investment Portfolio System |
ITU | International Telecommunications Union |
IW | Irregular Warfare |
IWP | Individual Work Plan |
IZLID | Infrared Zoom Laser Illuminator/Designator |
J1 | Manpower and Personnel (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
J2 | Intelligence (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
J3 | Operations (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
J4 | Logistics (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
J5 | Strategy, Plans, and Policy (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
J6 | Command, Control, Communications, and Computers / Chief Information Officer (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
J7 | Joint Force Development (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
J8 | Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment (Joint organizations such as Joint Chiefs of Staff or UCCs in the US/NATO CSS) |
JADC2 | Joint All-Domain Command & Control System |
JADE | Joint Assistant for Development and Execution |
JADOCS | Joint Automated Deep Operations Coordination System |
JAGIC | Joint Air/Ground Integration Center |
JARN | Joint Air Request Network |
JARNO | Joint Air Request Network Operator |
JATOP | Joint Air Task Order Process |
JCA | Joint Capability Areas |
JCAS | Joint Close Air Support |
JCIDS | Joint Capabilities Integration Development System |
JCPOA | Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action |
JDAM | Joint Direct Attack Munition |
JDAT | Joint Deployable Analysis Team |
JEC | Joint Effects Cell |
JEDI | Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure |
JEDI | JTAC Enterprise Data Infrastructure |
JFAC | Joint Federated Assurance Center |
JFACC | Joint Forces Air Component Commander |
JFC | Joint Forces Commander |
JFLCC | Joint Forces Land Component Commander |
JFO | Joint Forward Observer |
JFS | Joint Fire Support |
JIANT | JSOC Information Automated Network |
JIATF-S | Joint Interagency Task Force - South |
JICO | Joint Interface Control Officer |
JIPTL | Joint Integrated Prioritized Targeting List |
JIT | Just-in-Time |
JITC | Joint Interoperability Certification |
JLTV | Joint Light Tactical Vehicle |
JLVCF | Joint Live/Virtual/Constructive Federation |
JM | Jump Master |
JMEM | Joint Munitions Effects Matrix |
JMTC | Joint Multinational Training Center |
JNIM | Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin |
JOA | Joint Operational Access |
JOAX | Joint Operational Access Exercise |
JOC | Joint Operations Center |
JOPES | Joint Operation Planning and Execution System |
JPRA | Joint Personnel Recovery Agency |
JREAP | Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol |
JROC | Joint Requirements Oversite Council |
JRTC | Joint Readiness Training Center |
JS | Javascript |
JSOAC | Joint Special Operations Air Component |
JSOC | Joint Special Operations Command |
JSON | Javascript Object Notation |
JSOTF | Joint Special Operations Task Force |
JSTARS | Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System |
JTAC | Joint Terminal Attack Controller |
JTAC-E | Joint Terminal Attack Controller Evaluator (formerly JTAC-SEE) |
JTAC-I | Joint Terminal Attack Controller Instructor |
JTAC-M | Joint Terminal Attack Controller - Mobile |
JTAC-W | Joint Terminal Attack Controller Weapons Instructor |
JTAGSS | Joint Theater Air to Ground Simulation System |
JTAR | Joint Tactical Air Request (also referred to as an Air Support Request (ASR) or a Joint Tactical Air Support Request (JTASR)) |
JTC-TRS | Joint Terminal Control Training and Rehearsal System |
JTEN | Joint Training and Experimentation Network |
JTF | Joint Task Force |
JTF-N | Joint Task Force - North |
JUON | Joint Urgent Operational Need |
JWICS | Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System |
K8s | Kubernetes |
KDP | Partiya Demokrat a Kurdistanê (translated: Democratic Party of Kurdistan) |
KGB | Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (translated: Committee for State Security) |
KIO | Knock It Off |
KK | Catastrophic Kill |
KLV | Key-Length-Value |
KO | Contracting Officer |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KPP | Key Performance Parameter |
KREL | Kessel Run Experimentation Lab |
KSA | Key System Attribute |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LBP | Little Bands of Paratroopers |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LIC | Low-Intensity Conflict |
LLM | Large Language Model |
LNG | Liquefied Natural Gas |
LNO | Liaison Officer |
LO | Low-Observable |
LOAC | Law of Armed Conflict |
LOB | Line of Bearing |
LOE | Line of Effort |
LOGDET | Logistics Detail |
LOGFOR | Logistics Force Packaging Subsystem |
LOGMOD | Logistics Module |
LOS | Line of Sight |
LP | Line Pair |
LPD | Low-Probability of Detection |
LPI | Low-Probability of Intercept |
LRF | Laser Range Finder |
LRRS | Long Range Reconnaissance/Surveillance |
LTD | Laser Target Designator |
LVC | Live/Virtual/Constructive |
MAAP | Master Air Attack Plan |
MAC | Medium (or Media) Access Control |
MAC | Mission Acceleration Center |
MAD | Mutually Assured Destruction |
MADL | Multi-function Advanced Datalink |
MAF | Mobility Air Forces |
MAJCOM | Major Command |
MANET | Mobile Ad-hoc Network |
MANFOR | Manpower Force Packaging System |
MANPADS | Man-Portable Air Defense System |
MARSOC | Marine Special Operations Command |
MASINT | Measurement and Signature Intelligence |
MC3 | Maneuver Captain’s Career Course |
MCO | Major Combat Operations |
MCPP | Marine Corps Planning Process |
MCS | Mobile Communications System |
MCWL | Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory |
MD | Multi-Domain |
MDA | Milestone Decision Authority |
MDC2 | Multi-Domain Command & Control |
MDCOA | Most Dangerous Course of (enemy) Action |
MDL | Milestones & Deliverables Listing |
MDMP | Military Decision Making Process |
MDS | Mission Design Series |
MEA | Munitions Effectiveness Assessment |
MED | Morphine Equivalent Dosage |
MEDEVAC | Medical Evacuation |
MEFPAK | Manpower and Equipment Force Packaging |
MESP | Maintenance/Engineering Support Personnel |
MET | Mission Essential Task |
METL | Mission Essential Task List |
MF | Momentum Fund |
MFF | Military Freefall |
MFP | Major Force Program |
MFR | Memorandum for Record |
MFR | Military Flight Release |
MGRS | Military Grid Reference System |
MGUE | Military GPS User Equipment |
MI5 | Military Intelligence, Section 5 (also "Security Service") |
MI6 | Military Intelligence, Section 6 (also "SIS - Secret Intelligence Service") |
MIC | Military Industrial Complex |
MIDS | Multifunctional Information Distribution System |
MilPDS | Military Personnel Data System |
MIL-STD | Military Standard |
MINIMP | Minimum Implementation |
MIPR | Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request |
MIU | Marine Innovation Unit |
MK | Mobility Kill |
mJECL | Mobile Joint Effects Coordination Link |
ML | Machine Learning |
MLCOA | Most Likely Course of (enemy) Action |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOA | Military Operations Area |
MOA | Minutes of Angle |
MOJO | Move-Out Jump-Off |
MOPP | Mission Oriented Protective Posture |
MOSA | Modular Open Systems Approach |
MQF | Master Question File |
MQT | Mission Qualification Training |
MRAP | Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected |
MS | Milestone |
MSC | Mobile Surveillance Capability |
MSCT | Multi-Source Correlator Tracker |
MSF | Metasploit Framework |
MSVAR | Multispectral Vision & Augmented Reality |
MTA | Middle-Tier Acquisition |
MTS | Marine Tactical System |
MTT | Mobile Training Team |
MUOS | Mobile User Objective System |
MVP | Minimum Viable Product |
N1 | Personnel, Manpower, and Training/Chief of Naval Personnel (USN in the US/NATO CSS) |
N2/6 | Information Warfare/Director of Naval Intelligence (USN in the US/NATO CSS) |
N3/5 | Operations, Plans, and Strategy (USN in the US/NATO CSS) |
N4 | Installations & Logistics (USN in the US/NATO CSS) |
N7 | Warfighting Development (USN in the US/NATO CSS) |
N8 | Integration of Capabilities & Resources (USN in the US/NATO CSS) |
N9 | Warfare Systems (USN in the US/NATO CSS) |
NAF | Non-Appropriated Funds |
NAF | Numbered Air Force |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NAG | National Assessment Group |
NASA | National Air and Space Administration |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NAWCWD | Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NCOIC | Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge |
NCR | National Capital Region |
NCSC | National Counterintelligence and Security Center |
NDA | Non-Disclosure Agreement |
NDAA | National Defense Authorization Act |
NDP | Neighbor Discovery Protocol |
NDS | National Defense Strategy |
NDSTC | Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center |
NEO | Non-combatant Evacuation Operations |
NETD | Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference |
Net-T | Network-Tactical |
NEW | Network Enabled Weapon |
NGA | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency |
NGAD | Next Generation Air Dominance |
NGB | National Guard Bureau |
NGC2 | Next-Generation Command and Control |
NIEM | National Information Exchange Model |
NIPR | Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network |
NIPRGPT | NIPR Generative Pre-trained Transformer |
NIR | Near Infrared |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NKVD | Naródnyiy Komissariát Vnútrennikh Del (translated: People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
NORTHCOM | Northern Command (also US Northern Command) |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen |
NPF | Network Planning Facility |
NRO | National Reconnaissance Office |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSF | New Syrian Forces |
NSIC | National Security Innovation Capital |
NSIN | National Security Innovation Network |
NSL | No-Strike List |
NSN | National Stock Number |
NSW | Naval Special Warfare |
NTC | National Training Center |
NTISR | Non-Traditional ISR |
NTTR | Nevada Test & Training Range |
NVG | Night Vision Goggle |
O&M | Operations and Maintenance |
OBE | Overcome by Events |
OBOR | One Belt, One Road |
OCA | Offensive Counter-Air |
OCA | Office of Competitive Activities |
OCT | Observer/Controller/Trainer |
OD | Optical Density |
ODA | Operational Detachment - Alpha |
ODB | Operational Detachment - Bravo |
ODC | Operational Detachment - Charlie |
ODNI | Office of the Director of National Intelligence |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
OFFSET | Offensive Swarm Enabled Tactics |
OFO | Office of Field Operations |
OFP | Operational Flight Program |
OGA | Other Government Agency |
OI | Operational Imperatives |
OIDTACP | Optimized Information Display for Tactical Air Control Party |
OJT | On-the-Job Training |
ONI | Office of Naval Intelligence |
ONR | Office of Naval Research |
OODA | Observe, Orient, Decide and Act |
OP | Observation Position |
OPCON | Operational Control |
OPEC | Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OPFOR | Opposition Forces |
OPORD | Operations Order |
OPR | Office of Primary Responsibility |
OPSEC | Operational Security |
OS | Operating System |
OSC | Office of Strategic Capital |
OSD | Office of the Secretary of Defense |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnect |
OSS | Office of Strategic Studies |
OSS | Operational Support Squadron |
OT | Operational Test |
OT | Other Transaction |
OTA | Other Transactional Agreement |
OT&E | Operational Test & Evaluation |
OTH | Over the Horizon |
OTM | Operational Training Manager |
OTM | Other Than Mexicans |
OTP1 | Operations & Training Plan |
OTP2 | Other Transaction - Production |
OTW | Outside the Wire |
OUE | Operational Utility Evaluation |
OUSD | Office of Undersecretary of Defense |
OUSD/AS | Office of Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment |
OUSD/C/CFO | Office of Undersecretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer |
OUSD/IS | Office of Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security |
OUSD/P | Office of Undersecretary of Defense for Policy |
OUSD/PR | Office of Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel & Readiness |
OUSD/RE | Office of Undersecretary of Defense for Research & Engineering |
PaaS | Platform as a Service |
PACAF | Pacific Air Forces |
PAD | Program Action Directive |
PCAS | Persistent Close Air Support |
PDF | Portable Document Format |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review |
PE | Program Element |
PEITSS | Platform Engineering and Integration for Tactical and Strategic Systems |
PEM | Program Element Monitor |
PEO | Program Executive Office or Officer |
PEX | Patriot Excalibur |
PFC | Protected Forward Communications |
PGI | Procedures, Guidance, and Information |
PIA | Partnership Intermediary Agreement |
PID | Positive Identification |
PIEE | Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment |
PIF | Parachutist’s Information File |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information |
PJ | Pararescue Jumper |
PK | Probability of Kill |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PKK | Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê (translated: Kurdistan Workers' Party) |
PLA | People’s Liberation Army |
PLO | Palestinian Liberation Organization |
PLRF | Pocket Laser Range Finder |
PM | Prime Minister |
PM | Program Manager |
PMC | Private Military Contractor |
PME | Professional Military Education |
PMR | Program Management Review |
PNT | Position, Navigation & Timing |
POAM | Plan of Action and Milestones |
POE | Port of Entry |
POM | Program Objective Memoranda |
POP | Period of Performance |
POP | Point of Presence |
POP | Post Office Protocol |
POP | Proof of Principle |
POR | Program of Record |
POTUS | President of the United States |
PPBE | Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution |
PPLI | Precise Participant Location and Identification |
PPP | Purchasing Power Parity |
PPPM | Personnel Parachute Program Manager |
PQC | Post Quantum Cryptography |
PR | Personnel Recovery |
PRC | People's Republic of China |
PRC | Portable, Radio, Communication |
PSN | Portable, Special Navigation |
PSS-SOF | Precision Strike Suite for Special Operations Forces |
PT | Physical Training |
PT | Plain Text |
PTSD | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder |
PTT | Push to Talk |
PUM | Proper Use Memorandum |
QC | Qualification Course |
QE | Quantitative Easing |
QGC | QGround Control |
QGCGov | QGround Control - Government |
QRF | Quick Reaction Force |
R6 | Rehost / Refactor / Revise / Rebuild / Replace / Retire |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force |
Radar | Radio Detection and Ranging |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy |
RAP | Ready Aircrew Program |
RaS-A | Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Air |
RaS-G | Robotics and Autonomous Systems - Ground |
RBCI | Radio-Based Combat Identification |
RBSA | Radio-Based Situational Awareness |
RCAF | Royal Canadian Air Force |
RCN | Royal Canadian Navy |
RCO | Range Control Officer |
RCO | Rapid Capabilities Office |
RCS | Radar Cross Section |
R&D | Research and Development |
RDB | Relational Database |
RDP | Requirements Definition Package |
RDT&E | Research, Development, Testing & Evaluation |
ReCoM | Regional Coordinating Mechanism |
RED | Risk Estimate Distance |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFL | Restrictive Fire Line |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RIAS | Reserve Intelligence Analyst Support |
RJP | Ready JTAC Program |
RMF | Risk Management Framework |
RN | Royal Navy |
ROC | Republic of China |
ROE | Rules of Engagement |
ROI | Return on Investment |
ROK | Republic of Korea |
ROMAD | Radio Operator, Maintainer, and Driver or Reconnaissance, Observe, Mark and Destroy |
ROVER | Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver |
RPA | Remotely Piloted Aircraft |
RQS | Rescue Squadron |
RSO | Range Safety Officer |
RSO | Rapid Sustainment Office |
RSR | Remote Secure Receiver |
RT | Regression Testing |
RT | Russia Today |
RTL | Restricted Target List |
RTM | Ready Tasking Message |
RWG | Requirements Working Group |
S1 | Personnel and Manpower (USA & USMC, Brigade and Below in the US/NATO CSS) |
S2 | Military Intelligence (USA & USMC, Brigade and Below in the US/NATO CSS) |
S3 | Operations and Plans (USA & USMC, Brigade and Below in the US/NATO CSS) |
S4 | Logistics (USA & USMC, Brigade and Below in the US/NATO CSS) |
S5 | Military/Civil Affairs (USA & USMC, Brigade and Below in the US/NATO CSS) |
S6 | Signal and Communication (USA & USMC, Brigade and Below in the US/NATO CSS) |
SA | Situational Awareness |
SA | Surface-to-Air |
SaaS | Software as a Service |
SAASM | Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module |
SAC | Senate Appropriations Committee |
SAC | Strategic Air Command |
SAD | Senior Air Director |
SADL | Situational Awareness Datalink |
SAF | Secretary of the Air Force |
SAM | Serviceable Addressable Market |
SAM | Surface to Air Missile |
SAP | Special Access Program |
SAR | Special Access Required |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome |
SASC | Senate Armed Services Committee |
SASC | Senior ALO Skills Course |
SAST | Static Application Security Testing |
SATURN | Second-generation Anti-jam Tactical UHF Radio for NATO |
SBIC | Small Business Investment Company |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research |
SBOM | Software Bill of Materials |
SCA | Security Control Assessor |
SCADA | Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition |
SCAR | Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance |
SCIF | Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility |
SCL | Standard Conventional Load |
SCO | Strategic Capabilities Office |
SCTM | Security Controls Traceability Matrix |
SCUBA | Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus |
SDB | Small Diameter Bomb |
SDF | Syrian Democratic Forces |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SDLC | Software Development Lifecycle |
SDN | Software Defined Network |
SDR | Software Defined Radio |
SEB | Standards & Evaluations Board |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission |
SEE | Standards & Evaluations Examiner |
SEI | Special Experience Identifier |
SERE | Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape |
SES | Senior Executive Service |
SF | Security Forces |
SF | Special Forces |
SFG | Special Forces Group |
SIEM | Security Information & Event Management |
SIF | Squadron Innovation Funds |
SIGINT | Signals Intelligence |
SIPRNet | Secret Internet Protocol Network |
SIR | Soldier ISR Receiver |
SIS | Secret Intelligence Service (also "MI-6 - Military Intelligence, Section 6") |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SNCO | Senior Non-Commissioned Officer |
SO | Special Operations |
SOCOM | Special Operations Command (also US Special Operations Command) |
SOF | Special Operations Forces |
SOM | Serviceable Obtainable Market |
SOMPE | Special Operations Mission Planning Environment |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedures |
SORTS | Status of Resources and Training System |
SOTAC | Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller |
SOUTHCOM | Southern Command (also US Southern Command) |
SOTR | Sufficiency of Test Review |
SOW | Special Operations Wing |
SOW | Statement of Work |
SPECWAR | Special Warfare |
SPI | Sensor Point of Interest |
SPIES | Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction System |
SPO | System Program Office |
SQL | Structured Query Language |
SRB | Safety Review Board |
SRD | Systems Requirement Document |
SRW | Soldier Radio Waveform |
SSE | Sensitive Site Exploitation |
SSG | Strategic Studies Group |
SSgt | Staff Sergeant |
SSH | Secure Socket Shell |
SSM | Surface-to-surface Missile |
SSP | System Security Plan |
ST | Special Tactics |
STG | Special Tactics Group |
STIG | Security Technical Implementation Guide |
STITCHES | System-of-systems Technology Integration Toolchain for Heterogeneous Electronic Systems |
STO | Special Tactics Officer |
STO | Strategic Technology Office |
STOC | Special Tactics Operations Center |
STRATCOM | Strategic Command (also US Strategic Command) |
STS | Special Tactics Squadron |
STS | Specialty Training Standard |
STTR | Small Business Technology Transfer |
sUAS | small Unmanned Aerial Systems |
SW | Special Warfare |
SWAP | Size, Weight and Power |
SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication |
SWIR | Shortwave Infrared |
SWO | Special Warfare Officer |
SWO-W | Special Warfare Officer - Weapons Officer |
SWSPO | Special Warfare System Program Office |
SWTS | Special Warfare Training Squadron |
SWTW | Special Warfare Training Wing |
SXSW | South by Southwest |
TACON | Tactical Control |
TACP | Tactical Air Control Party |
TACP-M | Tactical Air Control Party Modernization |
Tac-ROVER-E | Tactical ROVER—Encrypted |
TACS | Theatre Air Control System |
TACTICS | Theater Air Control Training Information Computer System |
TAD | Tactical Air Direction |
TAIS | Tactical Airspace Integration System |
TAK | Tactical Assault Kit |
TAM | Total Addressable Market |
TAO | Tailored Access Operations |
TBD | To Be Determined |
TBMCS | Theatre Battle Management Core System |
TCO | Transnational Criminal Organization (also "TOC - Transnational Organized Crime" and "TNCO - Transnational Criminal Organization") |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TDL | Tactical Datalink |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TDY | Temporary Duty |
TEA | Target Engagement Authority |
TEA | Test Execution Authority |
TED | Technology, Entertainment & Design |
TES | Test & Evaluation Squadron |
TF | Task Force |
TFR | Total Fertility Rate |
TGO | Terminal Guidance Operations |
THSv2 | Target Handoff System, version 2 |
TIC | Troops in Contact |
TLAM | Tomahawk Land-Attack Missile |
TNCO | Transnational Criminal Organizations (also "TOC - Transnational Organized Crime" and "TCO - Transnational Criminal Organization") |
TNRe | Tactical Network ROVER—Encrypted |
TO | Targeting Officer |
TO | Technical Order |
TOC | Tactical Operations Center |
TOC | Transnational Organized Crime (also TNCO - Transnational Criminal Organization") |
Tor | The Onion Router |
TOT | Time on Target |
TPFDD | Time Phased Force Deployment Data |
TPOC | Technical Point of Contact |
TPR | Test Problem Report |
TRADOC | Training and Doctrine Command |
TRANSCOM | Transportation Command (also US Transportation Command) |
TRB | Test Review Board |
TRL | Technology Readiness Level |
TRS | Training Squadron |
TS | Test Squadron |
TSgt | Technical Sergeant |
TSM | Tactical Scalable MANET |
TSS | Target Selection Standards |
TTG | TACP Transportable Gateway |
TTL | Tags, Trackers & Locators |
TTL | Time To Live |
TTP | Tactics, Techniques and Procedures |
TWA | Trans World Airlines |
UAS | Unmanned Aerial System |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UCC | Unified Combatant Command |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
UEFA | Union of European Football Associations |
UGT | Upgrade Training |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UJTL | Universal Joint Task List |
UK | United Kingdom |
UN | United Nations |
UNSC | United Nations Security Council |
UNSCR | United Nations Security Council Resolution |
UOE | Unity of Effort |
UON | Urgent Operational Need |
URN | Unit Reference Number |
USA | United States Army |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAFA | United States Air Force Academy |
USAFE | United States Air Forces, Europe |
USAJFKSWCS | United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center & School |
USASOC | US Army Special Operations Command |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USBP | United States Border Patrol |
USD | Under Secretary of Defense |
USD | United States Dollar |
USM | Unified Security Management |
USMA | United States Military Academy |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USMCA | United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (sometimes referred to as "NAFTA 2.0") |
USMTF | United States Message Text Format |
USN | United States Navy |
USNA | United States Naval Academy |
USSF | United States Space Force |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
UTC | Unit Type Code |
UTM | Unit Training Manager |
UX | User Experience |
VA | Department of Veteran’s Affairs |
VBA | Visual Basic for Applications |
VC | Venture Capital |
VCS | Vehicle Communications System |
VDL | Video Downlink Receiver |
VEO | Violent Extremist Organizations |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VIO | Visual Inertial Odometry |
VM | Virtual Machine |
VMF | Variable Message Format |
VOIP | Voice Over IP |
VP | Vice President |
VPN | Virtual Private Network |
VTOL | Vertical Takeoff and Landing |
WADA | World Anti-Doping Agency |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WARP | Web Air Request Processor |
WAWF | Wide Area Workflow |
WepTac | Weapons & Tactics |
WG | Working Group |
WHS | Washington Headquarters Services |
WIC | Weapons Instructor Course |
WinTAK | Windows Tactical Assault Kit |
WMD | Weapons of Mass Destruction |
WPS | Weapons Squadron |
WSDL | Web Service Definition Language |
WSO | Weapons System Officer |
WST | Weapons System Team |
WTI | Weapons & Tactics Instructor |
WTO | World Trade Organization |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XO | Executive Officer |
XP | Extreme Programming |
YPG | Yekîneyên Parastina Gel (translated: People’s Protection Units) |
ZT | Zero Trust |
ZTA | Zero Trust Architecture |
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